Sunday, 22 December, 2024

Repotting Buddleja Globosa Cuttings

Repotting Buddleja Globosa cuttings

In this short video I cover how I repot some Buddleja Globosa cuttings I took earlier in the year. It’s not a “how to” video but you may find the footage useful.

Buddleja Globosa images:
Sten, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons File:Buddleja-globosa-flowers.JPG
Sten, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

I’ve been asked a few times what kit I use, so here’s a breakdown of what I use. These are affiliate links – I will earn a small commission if you click and buy the item.

If you enjoyed watching this video on repotting Buddleja Globosa cuttings, you may also be interested in How To Prune A Blueberry Bush & Repotting, How To Create An Auricula Theatre, Gardening Diary #1: Wildlife Gardening, Planting Garlic, Badgers! or How I Help Bees In Spring.