Gardening videos covering reviews of gardening products I’ve used to tips on how to reduce water use and improve crop yields in a sustainable way. I also cover tips on storing excess produce and general gardening tips.
- Garden Diary 14: Autumn UpdateThis is the Autumn edition of a semi-regular gardening diary series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I’m taking a look at what worked this year, what didn’t, and tidying up the greenhouse Read more…
- Gardening Diary 13: Pruning Grapevine; Gooseberry Sawfly; Greenhouse Crops and moreThis is the July edition of a semi-regular gardening diary series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I’m pruning grapevines, checking up on crops in my greenhouse, as well at looking into pests Read more…
- Gardening Diary 12: Repotting Foxgloves, Poppies and Sunflowers; Planting Cucumbers in my GreenhouseThis is the June edition of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I’m trying to save some wilting foxglove and poppy seedlings that I need to repot. Plus I’m planting Read more…
- My Trip To Edible Culture – Peat Free, Pesticide Free and Single Use Plastic FreeI take a quick trip to Edible Culture in Faversham, Kent. This fantastic nursery have a great range of plants grown peat free, pesticide free, and all sold plastic free. In the shop at Edible Culture they have environmentally sound Read more…
- Gardening Diary Winter Update: Wildflower Sowing, Dry Compost, Grass CuttingThis is the winter edition of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I’m out for the first time this year, looking at jobs to do. I tidy my wildflower garden Read more…
- Gardening Diary 11: Cucumber Training, Heather Clipping, Succession SowingThis is the 11th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I’m cucumber training, to ensure my plants stay tidy, clipping my heathers to maintain good flowering, and succession sowing Read more…
- Gardening Diary 10: Pruning Grapevine, Tidying Strawberries, Wild Orchids!This is the 10th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I’m pruning grapevines and tidying strawberry plants, including removing runners. I also show my wild orchids growing in the Read more…
- Organic Plant Feed: Bottle For Life scheme from Edible Culture!We went looking for plastic-free organic plant feed options and found the Bottle For Life scheme run by Edible Culture for Organic Seaweed Feed. Find out more about Edible Culture’s great way to get plastic-free organic plant feed. Edibleculture website: Read more…
- Gardening Diary 9: Planting French Beans, Reusing Water and Tadpoles!This is the 9th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I am planting French Beans, with a tip to help support the canes for the French Bean plants. I Read more…
- Gardening Diary 8: Planting Zucchini / Courgette, Repotting Cucumber and Tomato, Bee RescueThis is the 8th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I am planting zucchini (courgette) with a tip to make watering easy. I also repot some cucumber and tomato Read more…
- Gardening Diary #7: Removing Rhubarb Flowers, Planting Blue Hubbard Squash, Hydroponic Seed ProgressThis is the 7th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I am removing rhubarb flowers, planting Blue Hubbard Squash plants, and sharing progress with my hydroponic seeds. This video Read more…
- How I Made Pallet Compost BinsI show how I made pallet compost bins to replace some I’d previously made out of decking boards. Those old compost bins were degrading through rotting and soil shifting. I decided to buy some old european sized pallets and build Read more…
- Gardening Diary #6: Hydroponic Growing, Buddleia Pruning, Raised Bed PreparationThis is the 6th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I am preparing seeds for hydroponic growing, tidying a raised bed, ready for seed sowing, and pruning a Buddleia Read more…
- Sowing Seeds In Trays – Module Sowing With Melcourt CompostI show how I go about sowing seeds in trays, using my new seed trays and melcourt compost. I’ll be potting up tomato, cucumber and physallis seeds. I take you through getting the trays ready with compost, pre-watering, sowing and Read more…
- Gardening Diary #5: Apple Tree Pruning, Greenhouse Automatic Vent Fitting, Strawberry TidyingThis is the 5th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I do my apple tree pruning, fit a Palram greenhouse automatic vent opener, then tidy up the strawberry bed Read more…
- Seed Spring Clean: Throwing out old seeds to make room for newI have a good seed Spring clean to remove unviable old seeds and make room for a new batch of seeds I’ve bought from Mr Fothergill’s. Seeds will lose their effectiveness to germinate over time, so there’s no point keeping Read more…
- Gardening Diary #4: Tulip Bulb Lasagne, Strawberry Runner Potting, Garlic PlantingThis is the 4th of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. In today’s episode I use the bulb lasagne technique to plant my tulip bulbs. I pot up some strawberry runners to grow Read more…
- Plastic Free Compost? Bag For Life For Melcourt Organic Compost from Edible CultureWe went looking for plastic free compost options and found the Bag For Life scheme run by Edible Culture for Melcourt Compost. Find out more about Edible Culture from Faversham, Kent, and how their Bag For Life scheme was so Read more…
- Gardening Diary #3: Using Leaf Mould to Nourish Growing Area, Weeding Borders, Fence RepairsThis is the 3rd of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. It will serve as a guide for what you could be doing in the garden now, and hopefully give you some inspiration Read more…
- Growing Onions and Shallots at Home: From Sowing to Harvest and StorageWe try growing onions and shallots at home from sets. We take you through how we spaced and sowed the onion sets, through to weeding them, harvesting the shallots and onions, drying them and then storing them by tying into Read more…
- Intercropping Vegetables: Planting Sweetcorn & Squash TogetherI recently trialed growing sweetcorn in various paper pots. This follow-up video looks at intercropping vegetables by planting squash plants alongside the young sweetcorn plants. I look at how effective the different types of paper pots were at nurturing the Read more…
- Gardening Diary #2: Wildlife Pond Cleaning, Egg Carton Recycling, Wild Bird Feeding!This is the 2nd of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. It will serve as a guide for what you could be doing in the garden now, and hopefully give you some inspiration Read more…
- Making Paper Plant Pots: Testing vs Root TrainersIn this video I look at making paper plant pots and testing their effectiveness against the Root Trainers I usually use. I try using the Big Paper Potter from Nether Wallop, as well as using toilet rolls to make paper Read more…
- My Wildlife Garden: Foxes and Badgers VisitingI have an Arlo camera in my garden to watch wildlife from a distance. I regularly have foxes, badgers and more visit my garden both at night and during the day. Here’s a compilation of some of those visitors to Read more…
- Gardening Diary #1: Wildlife Gardening, Planting Garlic, Badgers!This is the first of a semi-regular series where I report on the gardening activities I’ve been performing. It will serve as a guide for what you could be doing in the garden now, and hopefully give you some inspiration Read more…
- Repotting Buddleja Globosa CuttingsIn this short video I cover how I repot some Buddleja Globosa cuttings I took earlier in the year. It’s not a “how to” video but you may find the footage useful. Buddleja Globosa images: Sten, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, Read more…
- How To Prune A Blueberry Bush & RepottingIf you’re wondering how to prune a blueberry bush, I take you through how I prune my blueberries to keep them healthy and get better crops of fruit. I’ll also go through two different approaches for repotting – completely changing Read more…
- How I Help Bees In SpringFind out how I help bees and other pollinators find energy when they’ve just emerged from hibernation in Spring. Find Bumblebee gardening advice at the Bumblebee Conservation Trust: https://www.bumblebeeconservation.org/gardeningadvice/ Bumblebee image by Josef Pichler from Pixabay I’ve been asked a Read more…
- Old T-Shirts: Reuse IdeaFor this Top Tip I look at how to reuse old t-shirts either around the house for cleaning, or in the garden shed for tool maintenance to help prolong your tools when gardening. There’s really no excuse for throwing away Read more…
- Drainpipe Peas Failure: Trying to Grow Kelvedon Wonder Peas in GutteringIn this video, I try a method to start growing peas that makes it easier to transfer them into their final position, which I called drainpipe peas. By using some guttering you can grow a full row of peas, then Read more…